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SupremeCommerce Blog


Welcome to the SupremeCommerce Training blog! Where we discuss in depth about eCommerce, Amazon, dropshipping, digital marketing and investing, this blog is designed to keep you up to date with all things business and wealth.

How To Reach Your Goals 10x Faster


How To Reach Your Goals 10x Faster

It's definitely possible to reach your goals 10x faster. It comes down to your level of dedication to the reaching your goals and how consistent you are to achieve them. However, it's not only dedication and consistency that's needed. It's also having the right tools and resources.

Kevin also talks about why you need a mentor. Having a mentor really changes the game. Especially when mentors have been through the process and know exactly what needs to be done to reach your goals 10x faster. And How Amazon is a 1/1000 Business Model, because of the ability to scale so quickly with no prior experience and the right training.

YouTube gurus all talk about Amazon FBA which is HIGHLY capital intensive. With a large portion of them also that only have been selling on Amazon since 2017/2018 meanwhile Kevin has been on Amazon since 2014 and has done nearly 7M in sales without FBA. And he started with a $500 card and no money.

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